What is an Aura?
Have you ever perceived someone’s energy lighting up a room, or bringing you down before they’ve even opened their mouth? What does it mean to feel someone’s mood radiating from them even if they’re not speaking? Some call it an “aura”. An aura is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body, as well as all living things. Auras contain different colors and patterns that each have their own meaning and provide a blueprint of our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Can two people be in a aura photo?
Yes! Auras can be affected by the energies of people around us. For example, when you love someone your aura will reach out to lightly brush against the aura of the person you love, and they will combine to create a field of light around the two of you.
How does Aura Photography work?
To capture the aura in your photos, we use a special biofeedback hand sensor that hooks up to our camera and reporting software. The system is built to measure your body’s electromagnetic energy directly from the meridian points in your hand. Either hand can be used. The hand is held on the sensor for a full minute. From there, we take your image and merge the two, so that you get a beautiful photograph and hopefully a greater insight into who you are!